FALL – Promoting Positive Behaviours in Children

Promoting Positive Behaviours in Children

September 16 – November 4, 2024 (Tuesdays) 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

*Please note: no group on Sept 30, Oct 14

At Family Matters, 10 Middle Road,  Lawrencetown.

An eight week course for parents/caregivers of children between three and 12 years.

Topics include:

  • Why children misbehave
  • Positive attention
  • Increasing cooperation and independence
  • Reward and incentive programs
  • Effective discipline strategies
  • Improving school behaviours
  • Managing behaviours in public

For whom:

Any parent / guardian / caregiver, but especially those managing non-compliant, oppositional, or stubborn children (children do not participate in group sessions)

Parents of children diagnosed with ADHD, ADD and ODD Parents looking for education, support and assistance

There is no fee to participate. For more information, call 1-855-273-7110 or to Register, Contact: – [email protected]

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