Comfort Food…

Happy Wednesday. Miss Jen here 🙂. I was trying to decide what to write about today and as I was going through my pictures, I realized that I take a lot of pictures of food. So that made me think about “comfort food” and how a favorite warm recipe on a cold day makes one feel better. There is something very satisfying about making a yummy dish to share with people you love on these long days of winter. On weekends I love to prepare something that takes a little longer rather than feeling rushed. Homemade pasta, stew or chili are some of my favorite foods this time of year. Freshly baked cookies, muffins, bread…anything straight from the oven is always delicious especially if you have been outside playing or exploring on a cold day. Food warms the soul and of course sitting together at a table can encourage conversation, a feeling of belonging and pure happiness. What are some of your favorite “comfort foods”?

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